Arizona Fobs & Tags
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Items on this page include metal & composite fobs & tags used by various early Arizona businesses. These include hotel key fobs, advertising watch fobs, product & equipment tags, saloon fobs, dog tax tags, transfer tags, vehicle license tags, etc.
Mining & smelter tags & railroad tags are covered under the Arizona Mining & Railroad page.
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Arizona Hotel Key Fobs
New Grand Canyon Hotel - Operated under this name in Williams in 1921.
Hotel Olive - Located in Safford from 1911 to 1939
La Fiesta Motor Court - Operated in Phoenix from 1938 to 1944.
Central Hotel - Operated in Phoenix from 1890 to 1933.
Orndorff Hotel - Operated in Tucson from 1896 to 1901.
South Poland Hotel - Located in Poland from 1902 to 1911.
Arizona Business Fobs/Tags
White Swan Bar - W. L. Awbrey is listed as being in Miami from 1908 to 1910.
Gouley Burcham Co. - 1917 fob from Tucson, Phoenix & El Paso, Tx.
Reay & Johnson - Ran a transfer Company in Douglas from 1906 to 1912. Later went into auto sales.
Gila Valley Furniture & Hardware Co. - Territorial tag for Safford. Open under this name from 1908 to 1920.
Jack H. Verfurth - Operated a transfer company in Bisbee from 1906 to 1907.
Arizona License Tags
1914 Douglas City Tag.
1914 Arizona State Tag.
Douglas, Arizona transfer company vehicle license tags from 1916 & 1917.
Arizona Product & Equipment Tags
Sam'l Hill Hardware Co. - Tag from Prescott advertising Ford automobiles.
M. F. Dicus Company - Equipment tag from a plumbing & machinery company in Douglas from 1913 to 1923.
Arizona Dog Tax Tags
1906 - Yuma A.T.
1907 - Graham County
1887 - Phoenix
1910 - Globe
1923 - Bisbee
Ramona Hotel - Very rare token fob from Tucson. Dobie Robinson & Company operated their restaurant & saloon business in the Ramona Hotel from 1908 to 1909.
Ford Hotel - Hotel key fob from Phoenix.
1895 Mesa City dog tax tag
Daze Transfer Co. - Winslow transfer business which operated from 1912 to 1926.
The Wigwam - Saloon watch fob from the mining town of Jerome. In business as early as 1908, R. A. Liner & Co. operated the saloon in 1914.
Clifton Hotel - Operating in the mining town of Clifton from 1883 to 1932 when it was lost in a fire.
Central Commercial Co. - Advertising watch fob from mining towns of Kingman & Oatman. In business from 1918 to the 1940's.
Harvey House Hotel - Luggage tag from the hotel which proceeded the La Posada Hotel. Opened in 1905 the hotel served Winslow until the late 1920's.
Burke Hotel - Built in 1909, the Burke Hotel operated in Bouse until the early 1920's.
St. Elmo Hotel - Opening in 1908, this hotel survived into the 1920's.
Early 1907 Douglas, Arizona vehicle license tag with a very low number. I wonder what happened to No.1?
Mutt & Jeff's Place - Saloon operated by Walter Vogel & Richard C. Barasa in 1911 & 1912. Vogel was murdered in his saloon on May 1st, 1912, by the building's owner who had been drinking and had mistakenly gone to the wrong saloon to collect rent. Barasa continued with the saloon until 1914.
A. Thorine - Transfer tag for A. Thorine who was a drayman, or local deliveryman, operating in the mining town of Bisbee in 1907.
Palace Livery & Transfer Co. - Transfer tag used in Lowell just outside of Bisbee. This business was owned by Frank Black and was operating from 1915 to 1916.
Tombstone Billiard Parlors - Key fob for private room at the billiard parlor & saloon, located in Tombstone and operated by Mayor A. Wentworth from 1907 to 1912. W. P. Thompson bought the parlor in May 1912 and closed it in November 1914.
Commercial Hotel - Territorial marked key fob from the Commercial Hotel in Phoenix. Opened around 1890, this hotel remained in business until the 1920's.
Mayer Hotel - Key fob from a hotel opened in 1897 and operated by Joe Mayer until his death in 1910. Located in the town of Mayer, southeast of Prescott, the hotel building still stands and was used as a hotel for many years after Joe's death.
Tempe Milling Co. - Watch fob advertising Hayden Mills Arizona Rose Flour.
The Arizona Canal Co. - Tool tag from the 1880's. This company incorporated in 1882 and was instrumental in distributing water through the Valley of the Sun and making the growth of Phoenix possible.